Hometown: Nashville, TN
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 100
Birthdate: 3/22/76
Nickname: The Rambunctious Goth Chick
Finishing Move: Witherspoon Waistlock (Full Nelson/Body Scissors)
Alignment: Face
Theme Music:
Additional Info:
Confident and headstrong, Witherspoon wants to do a good job in the ring for her fans. While it's good to make
a profound entrance for the sake of the show, she's there to wrestle, not to compete in a beauty contest. She's
good at staying focused on the task at hand and is not easily fazed by the appearance or bravado of her opponents.
She waves in appreciation to her fans and usually shrugs off negative responses from those of her opponents'. Witherspoon
is a determined wrestler and win or lose sticks to the fight to the end; if she does lose she takes her losses
in stride. |