Hometown: Santa Monica, CA
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 120
Birthdate: 2/12/80
Nickname: Ms. Mayhem
Finishing Move: Ricci Bomb (Top-rope Tombstone)
Alignment: Heel
Theme Music:
Additional Info:
Attitude: Pure viciousness. Once she's in the ring Ricci is all about destroying her opponent as quickly and brutally
as possible. Nothing is to brutal for her, she'll do anything to win a match. She's even more vicious when she
has a like-minded tag team partner. Outside of the ring, Ricci tends to be short tempered and quite emotional.
No one will ever have to wonder how Ricci is feeling on a certain subject, it'll be written plainly on her face.
She can also be quite vindictive, people Ricci doesn't like should run for their lives. However, Ricci is also
incredibly loyal. If you're a friend of hers, you can count on her for ANYTHING. |